Discounted Microfilm Scanning, Microfiche Scanning, Aperture Card Scanning, and Imaging Services

Microfiche Scanning for Vehicle Manuals

Microfiche scanning is a technique to digitize analog fiche that contain owner manuals, parts manuals, repair manuals, and technical manuals for various vehicles, such as motorcycles, automobiles, snowmobiles, trucks, SUVs, vans, and others to digital image.

If you are a mechanic, hobbyist, owner, or researcher you may have noticed that getting manufacturer’s manuals for obscure and even popular manuals results in them sending you fiche. Well, how do you print a parts manual from microfiche? The quickest way is to send the fiche to Generation Imaging for microfiche scanning.


Microfiche scanning results in digital images, such as PDF, TIFF, or JPEG that you can print from, load on your computer, and actually read. Your other options are trying to locate an old fashioned microfiche viewer or reader printer.

Generation Imaging has a very special flat rate microfiche scanning cost if you have a handful of parts manuals on step-and-repeat microfiche.

Generation Imaging is located in Florida and received and sends microfilm via USPS, UPS, Fed-Ex, and other carriers. There have been no mail mishaps. So if you are are tired of running around trying to find a way to convert parts manuals on microfiche to digital image, please give G.I. a try with our microfiche scanning service. You won’t be disappointed in the quality or turnaround time, that’s for sure.

Generation Imaging’s crew has been in the microfiche scanning industry since the 1990s and has converted hundreds of thousands of step-and-repeat fiche that contain parts, instructions, and service manuals. There is no need for you to waste your personal time trying to figure out a way to go about this on your own.

G.I. Partners

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