Discounted Microfilm Scanning, Microfiche Scanning, Aperture Card Scanning, and Imaging Services

Microfilm Scanning Helps Library Online Services

Microfilm Scanning has been very helpful for updating library records and historical information. Many institutions around the nation have performed microfilm scanning to make it possible for users to access information online. Compare to traditional microfilm readers to view the information, the ability to go on a computer and look for the information online is a tremendous help.


The way microfilm scanning transfers genealogical information and other type of information from microfiche to a digital format is possible with advanced microfilm scanning equipment. The type of information that is contained in the microfilm is usually not a limiting factor. We can convert newspaper images, book images, pictures, magazines, and just about any other type of information that was previously placed on microfilm.

Microfilm Scanning For Library Scanning

Post microfilm scanning, the data converted is transferred to jpeg files or some other type of format needed. These files are then joined into a retrieval system that allows users to search for the information they are looking for. The microfilm scanning quality is not only dependent on the quality of the microfilm scanning equipment, but also on the skills of the operator.


Further into the future, we should be able to have access to many of the records that libraries still have in hard copy or microfiche format and microfilm scanning is one part of the solution.

G.I. Partners

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